Webster County Law Enforcement
Webster County Deputies
Jack Cutlip, Sgt.
Patrick Coumbes, Deputy
David Vandevender, Cpl.
Levi Cochran, Deputy/Bailiff
Welcome to the Webster County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement web page. We hope the information you find here is helpful. It is the mission of the Webster County Sheriff's Department to safeguard the lives and property of our 8,300 citizens. Our goal is to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working in our communities to improve the quality of life for all residents. The Sheriff and their deputies call to duty is to do so with honor and inegrity, while at all times conducting ourselves in the highest professional and ethical manner to maintain public confidence. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns. Your safety is our most important goal.
Sgt. Jack Cutlip
If you have any tips or information that you would like to convey to a law enforcement officer please fill out the form below.
Your name and email address will not be shared and any information given to law enforcement will remain confidencial
New Sheriffs Crusier purchased through the American Rescuse Plan
The next Concealed Weapons class will be held on May 12th from 11am - 1pm at the Edge in Cowen. The charge is $50 per person. Please contact 304-644-3001 for more information.
Conceald Weapons Permit
You may download the form by clicking the link above. Please return the completed form to the Sheriff's Office between the hours of 8:30am - 3:30pm. You will need to bring your drivers license, your old concealed weapons permit or proof of attending the conceald weapons class. There is a $25.00 fee when you turn in your application and $25.00 when you pick up your permit. The Sheriff's office does not accept faxed or emailed permits and will not mail your permit to you.